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Aromatherapy and The Art of Self-Care

aromatic anchoring

In the glorification of busy, it seems that taking time to “just be”, to rejuvenate, to replenish, to take the slow lane and go with the flow is seen as the ultimate luxury.

Studies show that when we live our lives completing activities which nourish and nurture our self, we are more satisfied and happy, we are stronger, more resourceful, and more resilient, living our lives with more ease and grace. These are some pretty good reasons for taking care of ourselves, I feel.

For me self-care allows you to step into a peaceful heartfelt way of being and living. From this space you can be more relaxed, centred and grounded and make better choices in the activities you do each day to bring you more energy, inspire you to overcome challenges, be more accepting of change, be more flexible, be more self –aware, in short you go with the flow with more ease and grace.

How can we use essential oils in self-care?

I am talking about spending a few minutes each day reconnecting with your self, and relieving any obvious stress and tension. Essential oils have an amazing capacity to help you tap into your stillness, your heart intelligence if you like and create space for reflection. They can help you make space for a change to improve your current situation.

So it could be using them in a diffuser as an aid in reflection or meditation or to bring more focus and clarity to a current issue, it could be using a blend as a personal perfume for stress relief, in room scenting to enhance or set a mood, as a massage or bath blend to relieve stress and tension, it could be coming for regular aromatherapy massage to support you to get back some balance. Aromatherapy really is a safe, gentle and very effective natural therapy and is a delightful way to immerse yourself in the Art of Self-care.

Yours in Living Well,


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